Using Video Cards™ 3.0 for the Macintosh

How To Do a Search on a Topic

by Joanne Goodwin

This guide was prepared for Video Cards™3.0 teacher training at Westbriar and Churchill Road Schools.

Adapted from Training Materials provided by Wanda Walters, Department of Instructional Services, Fairfax County Public Schools

  1. If your computer is connected to a videodisc player, turn on the player and insert the Windows on Science videodisc.
  2. Locate and open the VC Folder on the hard drive of your computer.
  3. Click on to open the program. Be patient, this takes quite a few minutes!


  4. You will now see this screen.

    If you are connected to a videodisc player, select the kind of player. Click on OK. You will then see a window to confirm the Windows on Science videodisc that is in your player. Click OK. If you are NOT connected to a videodisc player, select None. Click OK.



  5. You will now see this screen. Click on NEW.


  6. At this next screen, type in "your name". (A Video Card console is like a folder). After typing in your name, click on the Save button.



  7. You will now see this screen.

  8. At the menu bar at the top of your screen, click on Video Cards and drag down to Text Search. When the next screen appears, type in the topic for which you wish to search. You must also select the data set(s) you want the computer to search. If you are connected to a videodisc player select the Windows on Science volume that you have in your player. Then click OK. More patience here while the computer does your search!



  9. You will get this screen when the search is finished.



  10. If you are connected to a videodisc player you can now view your search, or see what images and movies are available for your use. Click on Video Cards in the top menu bar and drag down to Play List. You will now be asked to enter the number of seconds you want the visual to stay on the television screen.


  11. If you are not connected to a videodisc player you can save your search. This is called a note (VC's equivalent to a file on a Macintosh). You can then use the note on a Macintosh that is connected to a videodisc player. To save your note, click on Video Cards in the top menu bar and drag down to Save Note. To open a saved note for use on a computer that is connected to a videodisc player, open the Video Cards software program and the click on Video Cards in the menu bar and drag to Import Note. Navigate to the desktop and your disk and click on Open.