Using Video Cards™ 3.0 for the Macintosh

How to Turn Your Search into a Presentation

(Directions if you are NOT connected to a videodisc player)

by Joanne Goodwin

This guide was prepared for Video Cards™3.0 teacher training at Westbriar and Churchill Road Schools.

Adapted from Training Materials provided by Wanda Walters, Department of Instructional Services, Fairfax County Public Schools


After completing Step 3 - How To Do a Search on a Topic, this lesson will show you how to turn your search into a presentation.

Follow these directions if you are NOT connected to a videodisc player.

  1. If you are not connected to a videodisc player, you can still prepare a presentation that can be viewed later on a computer that is connected to a videodisc player.


  2. Look at one of the items from your list of visuals from your search. Notice the number between the / and the black dot. This number indicates the Windows on Science volume number for a particular visual. This is helpful when planning your presentation. Make sure you select visuals all from the *same* volume.


  3. Now you will select 5 visuals from the search list for our presentation. Look at the left side of your Video Cards window. Find the Mode button. Click on the Mode button and notice that it switches back and forth from the I beam tool to the hand tool.


  4. Click on the Mode button so that the hand tool is highlighted. Click on the first part of what is in the parentheses. The description of this visual now appears in the top half of the Video Cards window on your computer screen.


  5. Click on Insert Link. A new list, with today's date, with your selections will begin to form in the bottom half of your Video Cards window.


  6. Choose four more visuals from the search list and follow the same procedure as in #4 and #5.


  7. Now that you have chosen 5 visuals for your presentation, you can delete the rest of the items in the search list. To do this, select the I beam Mode. Then click and highlight all of the items above your personal list. Then press delete.


  8. You will now add some text to each of your visuals. Select your first visual by clicking on the (Y11/1 with the hand tool. The description of the visual you selected will appear in the top half of the Video Cards window. Ignore this.


  9. Click on the Mode button so that the I beam tool is highlighted. With the I beam tool, click after the ) final parenthesis in the description in the bottom half of the Video Cards window. Press the spacebar once. Type a left bracket [ and then type in a phrase or two for your caption. Then close with the right bracket ].


  10. Now follow the same procedures as in #9 to finish adding text to your other four visuals.


  11. To view your presentation, you must be connected to a laserdisc player. To save your presentation for later viewing, click on VideoCards and drag to Save Note.


  12. To open this note on another computer that is connected to a videodisc player, open Video Cards and then click on Video Cards in the menu bar and drag to Import Note. Navigate to the Desktop and your disk and then click Open.


  13. When your saved note appears in the bottom part of the window, click on Video Cards and drag to Play File.