ClarisWorks Spreadsheet and Making a Line Graph

  1. Open ClarisWorks.
  2. Choose Word Processing.
  3. Under View, choose Show Tools.
  4. Click on the cross tool. This is the spreadsheet tool.
  5. Move your cursor over to your word processing document and you will notice that the cursor changes to the spreadsheet tool. When you click and drag diagonally you will make a spreadsheet to the size you choose. You can adjust the size at any time by clicking on the cursor tool (the arrow), then clicking on the spreadsheet. It will get handles and you can make it smaller or larger or delete it.
  6. Now add the data. To add text or numbers to a cell in the spreadsheet, click in that cell. Type in the information. Your typing will appear in the text window under the menu bar. When you hit return it will appear in the cell.
  7. After entering your data, highlight the information you want shown on your graph. Then go to Options in the menu bar and drag down to Make Chart.
  8. Choose Line graph. (For this weather graph, we want to show "change over time" so a line graph would be the best.)
  9. BEFORE you click OK, click on General. Then put a check in the box for "Use numbers as labels" in First column. (This will cause the first column of your spreadsheet, the days in February, to be treated as labels and not numbers in the graph.)

    Here is an example of the spreadsheet we made.