First Grade
Typing our Name and Changing the Font, Size and Color
Using the Draw Tool and the Bucket
Using KidPix to Illustrate the Seasons
Meet Chip & Friends
Learning About Dinosaurs
Johnny Appleseed
Math WorkShop Deluxe
I know it's Autumn because...
Illustrating an October Poem
Word Processing
Changing text color and learning about spacing
Counting Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
"We have a dream..."
The Snowflake Designer
Snow Person Glyphs
Word Processing -Winter Poems - Adding a graphic
Cloud Types
The Food Pyramid
Making Clocks and Showing the Time
Making Pictographs
Classmates First and Last Names Graphs
Letter Writing and Editing
Dear Arthur
Dear Alexander T. Wolf
Painting a Rainbow Garden
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Tech Lab